Balance of raw materials which can be used for briquett case study Sokolac


  • Srđan Ljubojević University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, S. Stepanovića 75A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Dane Marčeta University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, S. Stepanovića 75A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; email:


biomass, forest residue, briquette


This work is a review of raw material base in the region of Sokolac and neighboring municipalities which can be used for briquette production. We used the data from the Public Company “Sume“ RS, Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water managment, Ministry of industry, energetic and development, also data collected in the field. Total surface of forest and forestry land which gravitates Sokolac is 127 141 ha. Around 373 723 m3 of net wood is cut down per year in this region. This paper includes an estimation of forest residue which appears during felling and log production. Furthermore, an estimation of sawmill residue was conducted in the region of Sokolac and neighboring muncipalities Han Pijesak, Pale i Rogatica. According to data from current forest managment plans after regular fellings, in the observed forest area 154 371 m3 is forest residue, 126 576 m3 or 82% of this number is conifer residue, and 27 795 m3 or 18% is deciduous residue. Estimated sawmill residue is 39 800 m3. This biomass represents potential raw material base for production of briquette, chips, pellets etc.






Professional Papers