Instructions to Authors

General instructions

Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci (Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka) is the scientific journal published by the Forestry Faculty in Banja Luka and covering all aspects of forestry and related fields: general forestry, landscape architecture, game management, wood science and technology, ecology, biodiversity, nature protection etc. It was established in 2004 and appears with two issues annually. Journal publishes original scientific papers, preliminary communications, review papers as well as professional papers. The papers prepared according to these Instructions should be sent by e-mail to Editorial: Tables and figures should be appended as separate files. Only papers that were not previously published or that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere can be accepted. Every manuscript will be reviewed by at least two appropriate referees. Authors will generally be notified of the acceptance, rejection or required corrections of their manuscripts within two months after submission. Manuscripts which require corrections are returned to the corresponding author, who is to revise the manuscript according to the corrections of the editors, reviewers and language editors. The final decision about manuscript acceptance for publication is made by Editor-in-chief.

Preparation of manuscripts

Papers are written in Serbian (with Serbian abstract and English summary) or English (with English abstract and Serbian summary) language. The authors are strongly advised to have their English text proofread prior to submission. Manuscripts that are deficient in this respect may be returned to the author for revision before scientific review. Proofreading of the text in Serbian language is provided by Journal. All titles and table and figure captions are given bilingually (in Serbian and English or vice versa). Manuscripts are submitted in one textual file (Prepared in MS Word). Text should be in Times New Roman 12 pt, and have 2.0-fold line spacing, numbered pages and continuously numbered lines. Avoid footnotes. Tables and figures should be embedded in the text and also provided as separate files in their original formats. A recent issue of Journal should be consulted for guidance on format and style.

Manuscript structure

Title page

The title page should include a concise and informative title, full author names, author affiliations and addresses and e-mail for corresponding author. Shortened title (up to 75 characters including spaces) to be used in the header of the printed article should be provided as well.


Each article should be accompanied by an abstract (100-250 words, without references). The abstract should include a brief statement of the scientific background, aims and methods of the study, and a summary of the most important results and conclusions.


Should include five to ten words (both in Serbian and English) that would be useful when conducting database searches, and which do not already appear in the title.

Main text

Up to three levels of section headings are possible. Standard sequence of main sections is Introduction – Material and methods – Results –Discussion–Conclusions, but variation of this structure is acceptable when appropriate.Titles must be numbered and structured according to the decimal system (e.g., 1., 1.1, 1.2.1).


Assistance received from funding agencies and colleagues should be acknowledged in this section.


Only published or “in press” material should be included in the reference list. Unpublished material should be referred to as such in the text. References to computer programs are given only in the text. In text citations should be given in the following form:

Stefanović & Manuševa (1971) or (Stefanović & Manuševa, 1971);

for more than two authors:

Stefanović et al. (1983) or (Stefanović et al., 1983);

for combinations:

(Stefanović, 1964, 1984; Fukarek, 1970a, 1970b; Dakskobler, 2003; Ballian et al., 2014; Biondi et al., 2014).

References must be arranged alphabetically according to author names, with several works by the same author(s) (including all works of “Author et al.”, irrespective whether the co-authors are the same) being arranged in chronological order. All authors are always listed irrelevant of their number.

Some examples for citation of different reference types are given below:

Journal article:

Bergmeier E., Dimopoulos P. (2001). Fagus sylvatica forest vegetation in Greece: Syntaxonomy and gradient analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science 12(1): 109–126.

Conference paper:

Brujić J., Stanivuković Z. (2012). Vegetation of Crni vrh massif of Grmeč Mt: An introductury survey. In: Proceeding of International Scientific Conference „Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry – 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banja Luka“. University of Banja Luka, Forestry Faculty: 245–264.


Bucalo V., Brujić J., Travar J., Milanović Đ. (2008). Flora prašumskog rezervata Lom. University of Banja Luka, Forestry Faculty: 550 pp.

Chapter in a book:

Dinić A. (2006). Pionirske zajednice obične breze. In: Škorić D. M. (Ed.), Vegetacija Srbije II - Šumske zajednice 2. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje hemijskih i bioloških nauka, Beograd: 19–27.


Tomić Z. (1980). Fitocenoze crnoga graba (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) u Srbiji. Ph.D. Thesis, University in Belgrade: 179 pp.


Council of the European Communities. (1992). Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. Official Journal of the European Communities L206: 7–50.

Zakon o zaštiti prirode Republike Srpske. (2014). Službeni glasnik Republike Srpske 20/14: 20–38.

Reports, studies, planning documents and similar:

Barudanović S., Đonko V., Stupar V. (2007). Elaboration of methodology and action plan for EU biodiversity protection standards scientific coordination [Final draft]. WWF’s Mediterranean Programme, Sarajevo: 43 pp.

Bucalo V., Cvjetićanin R., Brujić J., Travar J., Stupar V., Milanović Đ., Gašić B., Gašić R. (2006). Mogućnost izdvajanja zaštićenog područja Klekovača-Lom [Study]. Maga-projekt, Wald-projekt, Banja Luka: 103 pp.

IRPC - JPŠ Šume Republike Srpske, Istraživačkorazvojni i projektni centar. (2001). Šumskoprivredna osnova za Banjalučko šumskoprivredno područje (važnost 01.01.2001. do 31.12.2010. godine) [Planning document]. Banja Luka: 107 pp.

Web page:

The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Retrieved October 8, 2015, from


Manuscripts written in Serbian are followed by expanded summary in English (and vice versa). Summary is more detailed than abstract, with up to one tenth of the length of the main article, structured as the main article, contains selected references and explicit references to figures and tables.

Appendices and Electronic supplements

Appendices are possible for items that would disturb the flow of reading but are necessary to appear in print. Large figures and tables, raw data, calculation examples, extra photographs and similar materials can be published as electronic supplements in online ‘Supporting Information‘. This material will not appear in the printed paper, but will be available at the Journal’s website.

Tables and figures

Each table, figure, printed appendix and electronic supplement must be accompanied by its caption and mentioned in the text (Figure x, Table y, Appendix z, Electronic supplement i). The elements of each of these categories are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, following the sequence of their first mentioning in the text. The legend should contain sufficient information for the table or the figure to be understood without reference to the text of the paper. The first sentence of the legend should comprise a short title for the table or figure. Tables should be sent as separate files in Microsoft Excel format, while acceptable formats for vector graphics (graphs, illustrations etc.) are .eps or .pdf. Raster images are to be supplied at the size at which they are intended to be printed preferably at the .tiff format with the minimum resolution of 300 dpi.