Determination of optimal density of forest roads network in Prosara


  • Igor Potočnik University of Lubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Večna pot 83, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; email:
  • Vladimir Petković University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, S. Stepanovića 75A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; email:
  • Dane Marčeta University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, S. Stepanovića 75A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; email:
  • Darko Ljubojević PFE "Šume Republike Srpske"


forest roads, forest accessibility, optimal density of forest roads and transportation costs


Forest roads density is one of indicators of forest accessibility. Optimal accessible forest is the forest which is managed on the principles of sustainable management of forests with minimum transportation costs. It means that costs of skidding and costs of transportation are equal, i.e. they are in dynamic balance. Beside of these costs, optimal density of forest roads network depend on volume of timber which are cut during management period. Taking into account factors which influence on optimal density of forest roads network it is concluded that current density of forest roads network (about 8 m/ha) in state forests of Prosara is smaller than optimal (about 14 m/ha). Consequence of this state is bigger average skidding distance and skidding costs. By reaching optimal density of forest roads network savings would be achieved which will justify investments in expansion of current forest roads network.






Original Scientific Papers